At Belsay Daycare we operate a Key Person System.
A key person is an important role in your child’s life whilst at pre-school. When your child joins pre-school they will be allocated a member of our team who will work with your child to help them settle in, learn and encourage them to achieve. They will also be responsible for their development plans/progress reviews. They will get to know your child well, become attuned to their likes and dislikes, attitudes and preferences and will provide your child with particular support at key times. We find this helps us to recognise each child as an individual, provide continuity, reassurance and make them feel secure within our setting. All staff get to know all the children to ensure they are fully supported at all times.
A key person will be the first point of contact for their key child’s parents/carers; this allows us to build up strong relationship with parents/carers, providing lots of opportunities for key person and parent interaction. We work together as a team to get the best outcomes for your child.
Read more about Parents as Partners.